Hello Pals, we went SWIMMING today ! Weee~
But this time, all alone, no Joyce.
Sigh, I sure miss my sister...
Guys, don't worry, she is not really rehome actually.
Whatever happen to her, it will also be our responsibility, as she is our dog.
She is the only dog at her new home now.
Amazingly, no destruction have been done yet,
maybe because she got all the attention from everyone there,
better than here, all the attention is divided for four dogs.
Joyce is a dog that really love to get all the attention from her owner,
but we did not did it, as you know we have four dogs to shower the attention to,
that's also one of the main reason of why she destroy so many stuff at home.
We did not give her away, don't be mistaken, she is our baby girl afterall.
She is just staying at our mom friend's place,
so that she can be love whole heartedly.
What we did is also best for her, I hope ?
Ok enough of all the sadness, now it is time for CLUB4PAWS !
Presenting to you STORM the pup at Club4Paws.

Isn't he cute ? Look at those eyes..
Ya, those eyes are the one that says : " BRING ME HOME ! " BOL.

Don't point at me Daddy ! Don't you POINT at me !

Weee~ Look at my floppy ears !!!
You can click on it to magnify it ! BOL.

BOL. I am so gonna kill sister for taking such a no comment photo !
HAHA ! She is so so so LAME.

I don't understand why is she ALWAYS taking photos of Storm !
*jealous* HELLO ! She have such a cute puppy (ME)
I mean ex puppy & now a big macho handsome boy(ME)

Look, she is taking photos of Storm AGAIN !
Will someone train the girl to do her job properly ?!?!
That is taking photos of ME & ME ONLY ! BOL !

I am so FURIOUS that I think I need a splash to CHILL !

Nope I am so not gonna let you take a photo of my charming eyes !
Go take photos of Storm instead ! GO AHEAD ! Be my guest !
Sis : " Cody is such a petty dog huh ? LOL "

Presenting... TASHA !

WOAH ! This pawto is SO SO SO HAPPENING !
Magnify it ! It is kinda funny, I think... BOL !

Ahhh CATCH !!!! Love it !!!

Me fooling around with Happy !
HAHA, you should have been there !
There to see how many time I tried to drown her !
Like what I did to my dear blog friend, Puddles. BOL !

Handsome me & Happy's fetch toy.

BOL, me trying to fool around again !!!
Sis : " HAHA ! More like drowning her ! LOL "

Here we are playing the hit chest to chest game.
BOL, although she is a girl, she like to play it rough,
like my obedient class playmate, Narla..
Oh, I sure miss Narla !!!!