Our friends, Addie, Lucie & Hailey tagged to play a game!
The Rule of the game is to open your first photo folder,
post the 10th photo and the story behind it and then tag 5 or more fluffs to play!
To be fair to all of us, we picked every 10th photo in each of our folders ;)This is a picture of Lady when she is a puppy,
playing with her very first Nylabone.
A big difference huh ?

Zena very first day at home.
Yeap, the SUPER black pup is her ;)
Cody very first dip into the pool ;)
When Roy just arrive to Singapore from Argentina.
He have to be quarantine in the quarantine room for a month with his dad.
We would like to tag:
4. Sugar the GR
5. Dr D- Dino& Now, Award(s) time !!! ;)
Rules for the Happy 101 Award
Copy the image and paste it to my blog
List 10 things that make me happy, and do one of them today
List 10 bloggers who brighten my day
Copy the image and paste it to my blog
List 10 things that make me happy, and do one of them today
List 10 bloggers who brighten my day
1. Getting treats every now and then
2. Getting our everyday walks
3. More toys !!!!
4. Getting enough sleep everyday
5. Get to see all my DWB pals post everyday
6. No bathes ! :P
7. Learn more new tricks *force to say this !*
8. Get to go out often
9. Get to travel around the world, that is not so possible.
10. Get to go shopping whenever our human go to any pet shops.
Rules for the Sunshine Award
Post the award
Send the award to 12 bloggers Post links and leave a comment on the 12 blogs
Put these instructions in my post so they'll know what to do.
Post the award
Send the award to 12 bloggers Post links and leave a comment on the 12 blogs
Put these instructions in my post so they'll know what to do.
To make it easier, I will send both awards to the pawpals below ;)
4. Sugar the GR
5. Dr D- Dino
8. Tanuki Max
10. Dory
12. Sierra Rose