Hey pals, you may realise that this is a new section in our blog.
Obviously, it only occurs on the Fridays !!
This " Precious Moments Friday " is for you guys to see
how all of your friends or should I say our friends grown,
from a puppy till now , a DOG ! :D
I understand some of you guys may be adopted since adulthood,
so it's ok ! Just send us a picture of you when you first step your forever home,
& another photo now.
You can send us via email or mailing us your developed photos ( 4R Size )
as we will put all the precious photo in a photo album,
compiling all of our sweet friend's pictures !
* 2 pictures at most per dog *
For those that send us via email, we will have to develop it too.
So that we will put it in the album !
Our Email is : ladyzena@live.com
For those who are gonna send it to our mailing address ,
peemail us for our address then :D
No deadline for this as it's occur every Friday :D
The fur kids for today !
Guess who is this cute Golden Retriever !
Any idea ?!
He is none other than... PU !
The Portugal Golden Retriever
You can visit his blog at : http://update-pufas.blogspot.com/
Next puppy...
Who is this curly fur doggy ?!
Let's see... her name starts with a letter "S"
& end with a letter "A"
It's our Malaysian Pal,
SABRINA the Poodle !
Let's try another one Golden puppy,
He is a big boy ! Like ME :D
He is also from Portugal !
He is none other than our big boy BYTE !!
Last but not least, this Labrador puppy !
I got a feeling that most of you guys will know this one ! :P
It's none other than ...