1) Sabrina :
I'm gonna be the next Pawlimpic Gymnastic Champion!
Trust me!So I'm practicing to stand for 2 hours everyday!
Pls vote for me ya! (:

2) Mason Dixie

3) Samantha
I'll do what it takes to beat my friend, Terra, to it !

4) Ludo

5) Kylie

6) Ginger Tan

7) Gabbi
Gabbi quits the Dughallmor Synchronised Swimming Team

8) Frankie

9) Maika & Dakotah
"doing what we love best"...
running in the woods!

10) Bae Bae
I'm a climbing hammie !
11) Maggie
12) Mitchy Boy
13) Taz
14) Velvet
I'll always save my yellow-friend!
15) Velvet
Winner of 100m sprint posing for a shot!

16) Roxy
Leap of Faith

17) Dexter

19) Brax
Every since my trainer got hurt I was put in-charge of pulling her chair,
but they didn't trust be enough to let me pull it all the way,
so her sister stayed in the back ready to "grab" the chair
if I decided to take my trainer off the road...
but pulling a wheel chair is one of the best sports-and great exercise!!"
20) Alfie
Alfie's HIGH Jump !
21) Milo
The BEST Runner !
22) Milo & Paco
~ The greatest catchers ~
23) Milo
The GREATEST Diver !
24) Gus
He is the diving champion !
25) Groovy
'Groovy ballet'
26) Rosie
Rosie winning the 100m sprint !
27) Paco
The Best of the BEST Runner !
28) Milo & Paco
Catch the ORANGE !
29) Paco
Paco the GREATEST Jumper !
30) Norwood
The one in the red bandana inspiring the brigade to go into battle !
31) Waldo
He is Superman, flying with his cape !
32) Snoop
Snoop in flight !

34) Samantha
Gotta get the kong ! Gotta get the kong!

35) Samantha

36) Amber-Mae
What's a contest without Amber-Mae ?!
*Her captions is on the picture*

37) Toro
believe or not, i can climb the wall just like spider.....i m spiderdog....

38. Tula
Snow Zoomies !

39. Tess
Tess now holds 18 agility titles in various venues, so she's a very athletic pooch!

40. Rusty
Preparing for hunting !
What hunting is it ?

41. Rusty

42. Pruett

43. Nottie Scottie
Running like a mad dog...as you can see, the expression and fur says it all

44. Nessa
45. Max ( Brutus Maximus ) from the Bumpass Hounds
Max (Brutus Maximus) swimming in Lake Anna, VA
46. Louie
Louie Zooming

47. Joey from the Boo Bear

48. Joey

49. Puppy Shelby, Belle & blind Gordon from the Bumpass Hounds
J.E.B. races through the snow along the fence with puppy Shelby Belle and blind Gordon to the rear.
We currently have a total of 59 pictures !
Interested ?! Do send us your photo to : ladyzena@live.com
Voting will start on 1 March 2009
Each blog entitled to 5 votes per day .
Anonymous vote will not be counted.
Prizes :
Trouphies and doggy stuffs.
Do be noted that the first prize will alway get more stuff.
TO be fair :D